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The workers in SensorBucket contain the actual logic for processing the incoming data. Each worker processes incoming data according to it's own requirements and sends the data further down the pipeline to possible other workers.

SensorBucket currently knows the following workers:

  • The Things Network
  • Muliflexmeter
  • Multiflexmeter Particulate Matter
  • SensorBox


The Things Network Worker

Variable Description Required Default
AMQP_HOST The RabbitMQ host yes
AMQP_QUEUE The queue from which to read incoming pipeline messages yes
AMQP_ERR_TOPIC The error topic to which to post any error that occurs during processing yes
AMQP_XCHG The RabbitMQ exchange Yes
AMQP_PREFETCH The determines how many messages will be buffered by RabbitMQ for that client No 5
SVC_DEVICE The URL to the device API endpoint Yes

Multiflexmeter Worker

Variable Description Required Default
AMQP_HOST The RabbitMQ host yes
AMQP_QUEUE The queue from which to read incoming pipeline messages yes
AMQP_ERR_TOPIC The error topic to which to post any error that occurs during processing yes
AMQP_XCHG The RabbitMQ exchange Yes
AMQP_PREFETCH The determines how many messages will be buffered by RabbitMQ for that client No 5

Multiflexmeer Particulate Matter Worker

Variable Description Required Default
AMQP_HOST The RabbitMQ host yes
AMQP_QUEUE The queue from which to read incoming pipeline messages yes
AMQP_ERR_TOPIC The error topic to which to post any error that occurs during processing yes
AMQP_XCHG The RabbitMQ exchange Yes
AMQP_PREFETCH The determines how many messages will be buffered by RabbitMQ for that client No 5

Sensorbox Worker

Variable Description Required Default
AMQP_HOST The RabbitMQ host yes
AMQP_QUEUE The queue from which to read incoming pipeline messages yes
AMQP_ERR_TOPIC The error topic to which to post any error that occurs during processing yes
AMQP_XCHG The RabbitMQ exchange Yes
AMQP_PREFETCH The determines how many messages will be buffered by RabbitMQ for that client No 5