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SensorBucket processes large amounts of valuable data. To ensure no data is lost all data points are traced within the system. The tracing service achieves goal by performing two main functions:

  • Store all incoming datapoints raw in the database
  • Track each step the datapoint takes within the sysem


The tracing service requires the following environment variables to be set in order to run:

Variable Description Required Default
DB_DSN The connection string for the PostgreSQL database Yes
AMQP_HOST The RabbitMQ host Yes
AMQP_QUEUE_PIPELINEMESSAGES The queue on which pipeline messages appear Yes tracing_pipeline_messages
AMQP_QUEUE_INGRESS The topic on which new datapoints will appear No archive-ingress
AMQP_XCHG_INGRESS The exchange on which ingress messages will appear. The tracing service will declare the exchange if it doesn't exist yet No ingress
AMQP_XCHG_INGRESS_TOPIC The topic on the exhange where ingress messages will be read from No ingress.*
AMQP_XCHG_PIPELINEMESSAGES The exchange on which all pipeline messages are published Yes pipeline.messages
AMQP_XCHG_PIPELINEMESSAGES_TOPIC The binding between the pipeline messages exchange and the queue Yes #



Every pipeline message that appears on the message queue is evaluated by the Tracing Service and stored as a 'step' in the database. A step has the following format:

Column Description
TracingID ID used to match a data point to the step
StepIndex Index of the current step to be executed from the pipeline steps array in the pipeline message
StepsRemaining Counts the remaining steps left for the data point
StartTime Time at which the pipeline message appeared on the Message Queue
Error If an error has occurred in the step it is stored here

Tracing flow

Whenever a worker receives a pipeline message to process and the result is posted to the Message Queue the Tracing Service will evaluate the result and store a completed step in the database.

    participant w as Worker
    note left of w: Worker represents any worker in the pipeline
    participant mq as MessageQueue
    participant ts as Tracing Service
    participant db as PostgreSQL
    w->>mq: push pipeline message with result
    mq-->> w: ack
    mq->>ts: send pipeline message
    ts->>ts: evaluate pipeline message
    ts->>db: store completed step
    db-->>ts: result
    ts-->>mq: ack