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Fission User Workers

Common configuration

The RMQ Connector requires the following environment variables to be set.

Variable Description Required Default
HTTP_ADDR The HTTP address the API listens on Yes :3000
HTTP_BASE The base url this api is reached on. Used for pagination Yes
CTRL_TYPE The controller to use for deploying the workers, either k8s or docker Yes k8s
DB_DSN The Database DSN Yes
AMQP_XCHG The exchange that workers will publish to, this is passed to the RMQ connector Yes pipeline.messages



Variable Description Required Default
CTRL_K8S_WORKER_NAMESPACE In which namespace workers will be ran Yes default
CTRL_K8S_CONFIG The kubeconfig file to use, if empty will try the Kubernetes service account No
CTRL_K8S_MQT_IMAGE The image to use for the Message Queue Trigger, this is the RMQ-Connector Yes
CTRL_K8S_PULL_SECRET An optional pull-secret to use when fetching the MQT image No
CTRL_K8S_MQT_SECRET A Kubernetes secret name to use for substituting variables in the connector. For example the AMQP Host Yes


Variable Description Required Default
CTRL_DOCKER_WORKER_NET The network to attach workers to, should be the same network sensorbucket is running in. If optional will search for a network with "sensorbucket" in the name no
CTRL_DOCKER_WORKERS_EP The User Workers API endpoint Yes http://caddy/api/workers
CTRL_DOCKER_WORKER_IMAGE The image to use when spawning workers, should be built by docker-compose Yes sensorbucket/docker-worker:latest
CTRL_DOCKER_AMQP_HOST The AMQP Host that workers will use Yes amqp://guest:guest@mq:5672
CTRL_DOCKER_AMQP_XCHG The AMQP Exchange workers will publish to pipeline.messages
CTRL_DOCKER_ENDPOINT_DEVICES The Devices API endpoint, which workers will use to match a pipeline message to a device Yes http://caddy/api/devices