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Data model

Below is an export of the SensorBucket ERD. Click the image to enlarge it.



An organisation is the owner of most entities in SensorBucket, such as but not limited to: Devices, Sensors, Groups, Datastreams and more. Users belong to organisations and can perform actions on its behalf.

Column Description
ID -
Name -
Address -
Zipcode -
City -
ChamberOfCommerceID The Chamber of Commerce registration ID
HeadquarterID The main establishment registration ID
ArchiveTime A duration in days after which a new measurements will be archived and removed
State Organisation state, either: active or inactive


A user account with access to SensorBucket. Not yet implemented, might be substituted with an Identity Management service.

Column Description
ID -
Email -
Password -
IsActive -


The join table between users and organisations. A record in this table indicates that a user is part of that organisation.

Column Description
OrganisationID The ID of the organisation
OrganisationUserID The ID of the user that is a member of this organisation


A device represents a some object that uses sensors to collect data and transmit this bundle of data to the SensorBucket system. The device determines in what format the data is sent.

Column Description
ID -
Code A user supplied arbitrary code for the device, for organisation internal tracking
Description A user supplied description for this device
OrganisationID -
Latitude Optional latitude coordinate in EPSG4326
Longitude Optional longitude coordinate in EPSG4326
Altitude Optional altitude coordinate in arbitrary value of altitude
LocationDescription Arbitrary description of the location, could be a address
Properties A key-value object containing device specific properties
State Device state set by user, either: active or inactive.


An entity that observes one or more properties and returns measurements to the device for transmission. The combination of a Sensor and an observed property is a Datastream.

Column Description
ID -
Code A user supplied arbitrary code for the sensor, for organisation internal tracking
Description A user supplied description for this sensor
DeviceID The ID of the device this sensor belongs to
ExternalID This field is used to match a sensor reading from external data to the internal data. If the device sends measurements sequentially concatenated, then this might be an index number (depends on the worker implementation). If the external source sends a key-value pair, this might be the key.
Properties A key-value object containing device specific properties
Brand A user supplied arbitrary sensor brand, for organisation internal tracking
ArchiveTime Optionally override archive time per sensor. Archive time is in days


A sensor observes one or more properties. A unique combination of sensor and observed property is a datastream. In other words, a datastream is always one unique timeseries of an observed property.

Column Description
ID -
Description A default or user modified description for this datastream
SensorID The ID of the sensor which produces data to this datastream
ObservedProperty The "what" that is being observed. This must be unique per sensor, i.e. one sensor cannot have duplicate observed properties. The value is determined by the worker. For a particulate matter sensor this can be: pm2_5_mass, pm10_mass, pm20_mass
UnitOfMeasurement The unit in which measurements in this datastream are stored. This must comply with the UCUM specification


A sensor group can hold one or more sensors and allows users to logically group sensors.

Column Description
ID -
Name A user supplied name for the group
Description A user supplied description
OrganisationID The ID of the organisation this group belongs to


As sensor groups are a many-to-many relation, this table manages which sensors belong to what groups.

Column Description
SensorGroupID The ID of the sensor group
SensorID The ID of the sensor belonging to that group


A pipeline is a sequence of workers that some uplink data will be processed by. For example, device Multiflexmeter works on TheThingsNetwork and Chirpstack. However, both networks wrap the duplinks different formats. With three workers, two pipelines can be created:

  • Pipeline A: TheThingsNetwork -> Multiflexmeter -> Measurement storage
  • Pipeline B: ChirpStack -> Multiflexmeter -> Measurement storage
Column Description
ID A UUID formatted identifier
Description A user supplied description
Status Pipeline status, either: active or inactive
LastStatusChange The last date and time that the status was changed


A single step in the sequence of a pipeline.

Column Description
PipelineID The UUID of the pipeline this step belongs in
PipelineStep The index of this step (e.g. 0,1,2,3,4...)
Image Eventually the cointainer image of the worker, for now this is the topic for the Message Queue on which the uplink will be published


A measurement by a sensor. This measurement model contains all related data for historical purposes. This includes: Organisation, Device, Sensor, Datastream. Below are only the additions to these specifically for this model.

Column Description
ID -
UplinkMessageID The UUID unique ID of the uplink message this measurement originates from
MeasurementTimestamp The timestamp this measurement was taken
MeasurementValue The value of the measurement
MeasurementLatitude The latitude coordinate where this measurement was taken, if device does not provide location, then falls back to device latitude
MeasurementLongitude The longitude coordinate where this measurement was taken, if device does not provide location, then falls back to device longitude
MeasurementAltitude The altitude coordinate where this measurement was taken, if device does not provide location, then falls back to device altitude
MeasurementProperties A key-value object containing measurement specific properties
MeasurementExpiration The date time on which this measurement will expire and be archived or removed