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The Core service performs multiple core functions in SensorBucket:

  • Devices, offer an interface for creating and managing devices
  • Measurements, offer an interface for creating and managing measurements
  • Pipelines, offer an interface for creating and managing pipelines through which data is processed


Variable Description Required Default
DB_DSN The PostgreSQL connection string yes
AMQP_HOST The RabbitMQ host yes
AMQP_QUEUE_MEASUREMENTS Queue from which to read measurements that need to be stored no measurements
AMQP_XCHG_MEASUREMENTS_TOPIC The RabbitMQ exchange topic for incoming measurement storage no storage
AMQP_QUEUE_INGRESS Queue from which to read new incoming raw data no core-ingress
AMQP_XCHG_INGRESS The RabbitMQ exchange for incoming raw data no ingress
AMQP_XCHG_INGRESS_TOPIC The RabbitMQ exchange topic for incoming raw data no ingress.*
AMQP_XCHG_PIPELINE_MESSAGES The RabbitMQ exchange for processed data no pipeline.messages
HTTP_ADDR HTTP Address on which to bind the devices, measurements and pipeline APIs no :3000
HTTP_BASE HTTP Base Address after which to append the endpoints for the devices, measurements and pipeline APIs no http://localhost:3000/api
SYS_ARCHIVE_TIME Determines in days how long a measurement should be stored before deletion no 30